20 March 2020

Everything Quiet at the Seat of War [guest post by Edward Fox, 18 March 1873]

[From the New York Herald, 1873; story by Edward Fox]
verything is quiet at the seat of war, and, excepting the occasional moving of troops from post to post, there is really nothing going on.
A [woman] came from Captain Jack’s camp the other day and said the Indians were mad at losing the ponies which Colonel Biddle captured.
We have now in camp three batteries of the Fourth artillery, two companies of the Twelfth infantry and one troop of the First cavalry, making in all about two hundred and fifty rank and file. There are two troops of the First cavalry at Dorris’ ranch, four companies of the Twenty-first infantry at Lost River and two troops of the First cavalry at Clear Lake—the total number of troops amounting to about five hundred and fifty or six hundred.
General Canby is very reticent as to what move he intends to make, for fear the Indians would learn his intentions through the agency of some of the [white men with Indian wives]. From preparations that are being made I am led to believe that we will move camp before long, and completely surround the lava bed.
There will be three or four camps—one on the banks of Tule Lake, at the foot of the bluffs, about two miles due west of Jack’s cave; another at the foot of the lava butte, about four miles south of Jack’s cave; another at Land’s ranch, on the eastern side, and perhaps some on the peninsula, to the northeast of the cave. These movements will probably be made in the course of a few days.
Mr. Odeneal, the new addition to the Peace Commission, will arrive in about five days.
[This is another of the Fox/McKay dispatches; it not only appeared in the New York Herald of 20 March, but in McKay’s papers and in Associated Press papers as well. See San Francisco Evening Bulletin, Portland Oregonian, Sacramento Union etc., 20 March, and Yreka Union, 22 March. It seems to be in Fox’s style.]

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