16 January 2020

16 January 2020

 16 January 12020 is Nothing Day, a day set aside for not celebrating anything. Well, sort of. In the United States it’s National Religious Freedom Day, in the Congo Democratic Republic it’s the Anniversary of President Laurent Kabila’s Assassination, and in El Salvador the Signing of the Peace Accords is commemorated.
The American election—in which I have no real interest—seems to have swamped all the other news, at least in the venues still open to me to read. CNN continues its pro-Trump coverage (as it did in 2016, don’t forget) by promoting Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate—a sure loser as far as I can see. Trump supporters aren’t going to vote for Fake Donald—especially when the fake is a bumbling boob with foot-in-mouth disease—when they already have real Donald, and those opponents that do will only vote for him under the delusion that he is the lesser of two institutional maladies—which has yet to be seen. Good ole Uncle Joe has already demonstrated that he can get his noxious schemes enacted into viable law to afflict all decent Americans—the Dopey Don has yet to prove himself in that department. Better the devil you know, and all that. Right? Am I right? Hello? Is anybody listening?
Is this thing even on? At any rate all the planets are in direct motion at the moment—nobody in retrograde—so we can expect a little progress in our daily endeavors.

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