11 March 2022

11 March 12022

  11 March 12022 is Johnny Appleseed Day apparently, though I don’t know who celebrates it or where it is celebrated. In Iraq it is the Anniversary of Signing the 11 March 11970 Agreement, in Lesotho it is Moshoeshoe’s Birthday, and in Lithuania it is the Day of Restoration of Independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. Great holidays, all. On the Western Calendar it is 26 February (O.S.) or 11 March (N.S.) 2022 CE. On the Jewish calendar it is 8 Veadar 5782 and on the Islamic it is 7 Sha’ban 1443. On the old Mickey Mouse Club calendar of my youth Friday was Talent Round-Up day, and Mickey would appear briefly doing tricks with a lariat, before somebody or other with alleged talent would show up to entertain us.

In the news I see that director Ryan Coogler was briefly mistaken for a bank robber when he passed a teller requesting discretion in counting out the money he was withdrawing from his account—over $10,000 apparently. On this day in history the Confederate Constitution was adopted, containing a provision that no “law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed”, making race-based slavery a cornerstone of the government. That’s not how I learned it in grade school—but of course a lot of the “history” we learned back in the 1960s in school was fake. (Thanks, William Archibald Dunning et al.)

In case any of you are wondering, I really feel like crap. As far as I can tell nothing is wrong with me; I just don’t feel good. Random panic attacks, general malaise. Probably nothing to worry about—but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. We’ll see.

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