09 April 2020

Commission Despondent [guest post by Edward Fox, 8 April 1873]

[From the New York Herald, 1873; story by Edward Fox]
esterday the Peace Commission sent Frank Riddle’s Indian [wife] to Captain Jack’s camp for the purpose of arranging for a talk at some point between Jack’s camp and ours. She returned in the evening and reports that while she was there Captain Barnard’s men, camped at Hospital Rock, made a reconnoisance and captured four horses belonging to Jack. This made them (the Indians) very angry, and they abused her roundly and refused to make any arrangement to talk with the Commission. Orders have been given by signal to return the captured horses.
I am informed by Mr. Fairchild that the Commission begin to feel very despondent. It is the general opinion that if the Commission would withdraw this farce would be ended within three days.
Jack’s men were busily engaged this morning in building rock fortifications. The troops are making every necessary preparation for a fight.

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