10 March 2020

10 March 2020

 10 March 12020 is Harriet Tubman Day (United States). It may also be Holocaust Remembrance Day (Bulgaria), Hote Matsuri (Shiogama, Japan), and Tibetan Uprising Day (Tibet Independence Movement), depending on the reliability of my source. I don’t have any notable people born today, nor any saint listed, but presumably such people exist. On other calendars it’s JD 2458918, 14 Adar 5780 (Jewish), 1 Paremhat 1736 (Coptic), or 15 Rajab 1441 (Islamic). And in the news the United States government appears to be screwing up massively in its response—or rather lack of response—to the novel coronavirus. It’s shaping up to be worse than Reagan’s AIDS debacle, or Bush’s Katrina mess. And the Fake President seems to think that boasting and lying will solve the problem.

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